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Opening hours: Self-service

Learn about the self-service opening hours in the libraries.

The Copenhagen Libraries have extended opening hours at morning and at night.

If you are more than 15 years of age, you automatically have access to the libraries and many other cultural institutions in Copenhagen during the self-service opening hours.

To gain access you simply have to scan your health card in the scanner by the entrance, and then you are able to access the library.


  • A PIN is not required. Simply scan your health card in the scanner to access the library.

  • Every citizen above the age of 15 can access the libraries with their health card during self-service.

  • Citizens above the age of 15 who don't have a healtch card, can register for an individual access card by presenting valid identification. This access card is activated for a period of 3 months and does not require use of a PIN.
  • Institutions, such as kindergartens can apply for an access card which will be activated for a period of 1 year.
  • Access cards all come with an expiration date.
  • Access cards belonging to citizens or institutions who have been inactive since November 1. 2015 are no longer registered. The access card may be reactivated upon inquiry to the Copenhagen Libraries.