Who we are

Copenhagen Libraries is the largest public library organization in Denmark. It consists of a main library and 19 branch libraries, a mobile library and special services at hospitals, prisons and nursing homes.

Copenhagen Libraries was founded in the late 19th century.  It has played an important part in the formation and development of modern Copenhagen and its well-educated population.

The public libraries provide free access for the general public to all kinds of media, including books, newspapers/magazines, music, DVDs, audiobooks and online resources. The free and equal access to library services through the public libraries is granted to citizens by legislation, more specifically The Act Regarding Library Services.

The Main Management of Copenhagen Libraries

Copenhagen Libraries is part of the Culture and Leisure Administration 


Head of Analysis and Development & Copenhagen Public Libraries:

Jakob Heide Petersen


Mere om Jakob Heide

Head of Activities

Christina Midjord


Call Copenhagen Libraries

+45 33 66 30 00


Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00

Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00
We're closed on Sundays and public holidays.