Accessibility at the Libraries

For those with special needs or disabilities

Copenhagen Libraries works to ensure that our libraries are accessible to everyone.

At Copenhagen Libraries, we offer different types of service, so you can choose physical service at libraries or service from home via phone, email or website.

We are constantly working to improve accessibility and create equal access to our libraries. The staff is always ready to help during the manned opening hours.

Most of our libraries are furnished with plenty of space, so you can get around with a wheelchair, walker or pram. However, some of our libraries are located in older buildings, which can make it more difficult to get around.

Copenhagen Libraries have the God Adgang / Access Denmark label. Find further information about accessibility at your local library. 

About our Events

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As far as possible, we try to draw attention to conditions that can make it difficult to participate in an event, for example with a wheelchair.

If you need to have a companion with you, we will of course make room for that.

If you have questions or need help in connection with an event, there will almost always be a contact person at the event or you can contact the Library Online.

Guide and Service Dogs

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Guide and service dogs are always welcome in the libraries. In addition, it is not permitted to bring animals into the libraries.

The Sunflower Lanyard

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Use the Sunflower lanyard at Copenhagen Libraries

Not all disabilities are visible. Some are invisible, e.g. dyslexia, mental illnesses, chronic pain, autism, ADHD, dementia, brain damage, speech impairment, visual impairment, blindness, hearing impairment, etc.  

For some people, this can make it hard to understand and believe that someone, with a “non-visible” condition genuinely needs support. Some people question whether you have a disability because you don’t look ‘like you have a disability".

Copenhagen Libraries is constantly working to improve accessibility and create equal access to our libraries. That is why we are also part of  the Sunflower Program to support people living with non-visible disabilities.

We don't ask what diagnosis or disability you have, but we certainly ask how we can assist you the best way possible

The sunflower lanyard can be purchased via (in Danish)