Self-service opening hours

General information about use of the libraries, outside the staffed opening hours.

If you are over 15 years old, you can use the library and a lot of other cultural institutions in Copenhagen during the self-service opening hours. You just have to scan your health card in the card scanner next to the door and you are ready to use the library.

Guidelines for using the library during self-service opening hours:

  • You do not have to use a pin code - you simply scan your health card in the card scanner
  • All citizens over the age of 15 in DK with a health card can gain access during self-service opening hours
  • Citizens over the age of 15 who do not have a health card can, by showing valid identification, have a special card created (the white AEOS card). This applies for a maximum of 3 months. This card also does not require a PIN
  • Institutions, for example kindergartens, can have a special card created that is valid for a maximum of 1 year
  • All special cards have an expiry date. All special cards issued to citizens or institutions that have not been active since 1 November 2015 have been deleted
  • Users can still use the card if they apply with it. They just need to have it set up again