Search for Materials Online

A guide to searching and placing loan holds online.

Refine your search

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  1. The search field collapses when you enter a page on the website. 
  2. You can expand the search field again by selecting the icon with the magnifying glass at the top right. 
  3. Enter your search term in the search field. 
  4. You may begin by narrowing down your search in the dropdown menu to the right of the search field (instead of "Search in all"). 
  5. You search by pressing "Enter" on your keyboard or selecting the "Search" button on your screen. 
  6. After searching, a menu appears where the search result is divided into "Materials" and "Website" (library articles, events, etc.). 
  7. Below, you will see all the materials that are the result of your search. There are a variety of suggestions to narrow down your search to different categories on the left side. Some of them can be expanded to show more suggestions. 
  8. If you check one or more of the boxes, your search result will automatically change. You can select or remove several in any order, and each time, your search result will update automatically. So, you do not need to press the return button on your keyboard or the back arrow in your browser when you have selected a restriction. That will just result in starting over. 
  9. You also have the option to sort your final search result by the criteria "Best match" and "Publication year". The sorting field is just above your search results.

Material type and availability

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  • If you search for a title (a work) that exists in multiple material types (e.g., book and e-book), it will display "Multiple media" next to the title. Additionally, you can see which material types the work is available as. 
  • If you click on the title, you will get an expanded view where you can see a record for each type of material. 
  • Even if a material is marked in green, it may not necessarily be available on the shelf at your local library. It could be located at Østerbro, Blågården, Solvang, etc. 
  • By clicking on the title in the individual record, you can see how many copies are available on the shelf at each library branch, as well as a path to where you can find it. 
  • You can also see exactly where the material is in the library by clicking on the "Show on map" button.

Tips and tricks

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Subject terms are always in the indefinite plural form. For example, if you search for "pattern breaker," you will be presented with: pattern breakers, the pattern breaker, and pattern breakers.

Pattern breakers are the most comprehensive.

For years, write in 10-year or 100-year intervals, for example, 1940-1949 and 1700-1799.

Find materials on a rare or specialized topic by searching for a more general subject: For example, searching for the element "lanthanum" yields few search results. Instead, search for the broader subject "chemical elements." This is because the library's database searches bibliographic information, not large sections or chapters in a book.

Material about a specific person should be searched for as a "Subject."

Good options for narrowing down include the material's form: Letters, speeches, memoirs, biographies, source collections, and more. For example, Pierre Bourdieu biographies.

You can search the library's shelving system by numbers in the search field. For example, 30.172, instead of women. You can find the number in the overview of DK5 numbers.

Countries are arranged by geography, social sciences, politics, economics, and history. Find the country in the shelving system, and search for its number. Geography is the broadest (40-49), while social sciences are the most specific (30, 32, and 33).

Search terms

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Search termSubjectExample
cl=Class markcl=32.26*
år=Year publishedma=mo and år=2016 (Bøger udgivet i 2016)
au=About a person or countryau=bourdieu (person) AND au=indien (land)
sp=Languagesp=dan fungerer bedst i kombination
AND / andCombined searchem=fagforeninger AND em=København
NOTExcludes em=københavn NOT cl=sk (ikke skønlitteratur)
ma=xcCdfo=hendrix AND ma=xc
ma=moBookfagforeninger AND ma=mo
ma=muSheet musicfo=hendrix AND ma=mu

If your search yields no results

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If you don't find what you need in your search, you can try the following:

  • Choose other search terms that cover the same topic. The broader you search, the better you can see what options are available. 
  • Try narrowing down your search in the menu on the left, where you can, for example, choose "Subject" and "Material type."
  • You can expand the menu and see more suggestions by checking the box next to "Show more."

Search the national database

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  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Log in"
  3. Click on "New user"
  4. Fill in the fields with your information
  5. Select a pickup location under "Favorite libraries" in the menu
  6. Now you have a user for and are ready to search all libraries in Denmark at once