Processing of personal data

Read about how The Copenhagen Libraries processes your personal data.

The purpose of the library is to lend materials and provide other services within the framework of the Act on Library Activities. That is why we in The Copenhagen Municipal Libraries process personal data about users of the libraries.

How we use personal data?

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We process your personal data in order to:

  • Manage your loans and reservations
  • Give you access to the library's e-materials
  • Send you information about delivery and reservations
  • Give you access to use the library outside normal opening hours
  • Send you service notifications when the library service changes

The information is also used in Copenhagen Municipality's scientific and statistical studies. Results from such surveys will be anonymised if necessary. disclosure. 
The legal basis for our way of processing personal data is the data protection regulation, article 6, subsection 1, letter c). It is about what is necessary to comply with a legal obligation incumbent on the data controller. The legal basis is also Article 6, subsection 1, letter e) on processing that is necessary for the purpose of carrying out a task in the interest of society.

Why do we process personal data?

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We process the personal data in order to: 

  • Manage your loans and reservations
  • Give you access to the library's e-materials
  • Send you information about return dates and reservations
  • Give you access to use the library outside normal opening hours
  • Send you service notifications when library services change 

The information is also used in Copenhagen Municipality's scientific and statistical studies. Results from such surveys will be anonymised if necessary.

What is voluntary?

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It is voluntary whether you want to register as a user at The Copenhagen Libraries and use the library's offers, including using the library outside of staffed opening hours, as well as borrowing materials and using the library's e-materials. If you register as a user, it is optional whether you want to provide a telephone number and email address to The Copenhagen Libraries. If you do not wish to provide either telephone or email, the library cannot contact you with reminders to hand in, pick up reserved materials and deleted reservations. Any bills and balance statements will then be sent to your digital mailbox.

Storage and disclosure

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We pass on personal data to other public authorities when we are entitled or obliged to do so. We transfer e.g. information in connection with the recovery of fees and compensation. We also entrust personal data to data processors who process the information on our behalf.

The information we have about you will be automatically deleted if you have no contact with the library or have not been active for a year. Certain personal data is automatically deleted after 30 days. This applies to information about delivered materials, paid fees, the content of messages sent to you and your visits to the libraries outside staffed opening hours. Information about compensation paid is deleted after one year. Information about paid compensation is deleted after one year. 

According to the "Budget and accounting system for municipalities", the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior, information about the payment of balances, including balances sent to the Debt Agency, will be stored for 3 years from the end of the financial year to which the accounting material relates, cf. statute of limitations of claims and the archive legislation's rules on preservation and disposal. The 3 years are counted from the time when the claim is settled or otherwise reduced to a balance of DKK 0.00.

Consent to surveys

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The Copenhagen Municipality is the data controller for the processing of your personal data in connection with the questionnaire survey. You will find our contact information below. If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us.

The basis for the processing of your personal data in connection with the questionnaire survey is the data protection regulation art. 6 pieces. 1, letter a (consent). You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. The fact that you withdraw your consent will not, however, affect the legality of the processing carried out before the withdrawal of consent.

You can read more about your rights in the Data Protection Authority's guidance on the rights of data subjects. If you want to make use of your rights, you can contact us directly: Find contact information on regarding questions about personal data

Your rights

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According to the data protection regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to our processing of information about you. If you want to make use of your rights, you must contact us via Copenhagen Municipality's website

Find contact information on regarding questions about personal data. 
Right to access: You have the right to access the information we process about you, as well as a range of additional information. 
Right to rectification: You have the right to have inaccurate information about yourself corrected. You also have the right to have your information supplemented with additional information if this makes your personal data more complete or updated. 
Right to erasure: In certain cases, you have the right to have information about you erased before the time of our regular general erasure. 
Right to restriction of processing: You have the right in certain cases to have the processing of your information restricted. If you have the right to have the processing restricted, we may in future only process the information - apart from storage - with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending legal claims or to protect a person or important public interests. Right to object: You have the right in certain cases to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data. 

You can read more about your rights in the Data Protection Authority's guidance on the rights of data subjects, which you can find on the Data Protection Authority's website.

Seek insight into the municipality's registers: You have the right to be informed whether the Municipality of Copenhagen processes information about you. 

Delete account

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You can have your user profile/patron account deleted in the system, if all loans have been settled and possible fees/reimbursements paid. 

If you wish to be deleted, you must show up at the library during the staffed opening hours with photo ID.

Inactive patrons are automatically deleted after two years.

Appeal options

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You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Authority if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your information.

Contact the Danish Data Protection Authority at

You have the right to request the correction or deletion of information, and you can also ask for a limitation of the processing of the information. However, you should be aware that the municipality is typically obliged to save the information we have recorded about you until the above-mentioned deletion deadline occurs.

The data controller is Københavns Kommunes Biblioteker, Krystalgade 15, 1172 København K, who can be contacted on tel. 33 66 30 00 or email

If you have questions in connection with Copenhagen Municipality's processing of your information, you can also contact Copenhagen Municipality's data protection advisor on tel. 71 74 54 54 or email