Library Cards for Schools, Companies and Institutions

General information and registration form.

If a school class, institution, or company needs to borrow materials from the library, they can be registered as an institutional user. The institution or company receives one library card, on which all loans are registered. Special terms apply to library cards for schools.

For companies and institutions

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Please note that special rules apply to schools. See more under library cards for schools.

Terms for institutional and company library cards:

  • The application form can be obtained at the library or downloaded at the bottom of this page.
  • The institution's leader must sign and stamp the form with the institution's seal.
  • The application form must be submitted to one of the Copenhagen Libraries, after which the physical library card will be issued.
  • The loan period for institutions is 62 days.
  • DVDs and videos cannot be borrowed on institutional library cards. An exception to this is loans from the Danish Film Institute.
  • The libraries' general terms for renewal and replacements also apply to institutional cards.
  • It is the institution's leader who, by signing, is responsible for the institution's payment of replacements if borrowed materials are lost.

For schools

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If your school wishes to borrow additional free reading materials for your students, there is an option for class library cards. To obtain class library cards, you need to contact Copenhagen Libraries at 33 66 30 00. You will then receive a cooperation agreement for signature and subsequently an invoice. Once this is paid, we will send the desired number of library cards.

Terms for class library cards:

  • Class library cards are for borrowing free reading materials for a class of up to 28 students.
  • The loan period for class borrower cards is 62 days.
  • DVDs and videos cannot be borrowed on class library cards. An exception to this is loans from the Danish Film Institute.
  • There are no fees for late returns.
  • The libraries' general terms for renewal and replacements also apply to class library cards.
  • The school pays 100 DKK per student per year (2021 price level).
  • The class library cards can only be used as a supplement to the free reading materials that the school, according to the Danish Education Act § 19, is obligated to provide to the students.
  • Copenhagen Libraries reserve the right to conduct audits of the borrowing patterns on class library cards.
  • The agreement runs until one of the parties terminates it or wishes to renegotiate/change it (e.g., by changing the price).
  • Termination can be made with 3 months' notice to the 1st of a month, however, no earlier than one year after the agreement is entered into.
  • If you have any questions regarding the loan terms, you are welcome to contact Copenhagen Libraries at 33 66 30 00.