Register as a Patron

Here you can read more about how you as an adult register as a patron using MitID.

General information

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Everyone over the age of 18 can register as patrons at Copenhagen Libraries and within 20 seconds gain access to all materials and digital offerings. All it requires is MitID. Once registered, you log in to the website with your CPR number and the PIN code you have chosen.

Please note that residents outside of Copenhagen municipality do not have access to e-materials.

General information:

When you join as a patron, you choose your own PIN code. You'll need this along with your library card – health card – when borrowing materials. You borrow or return materials at the self-service machines.
The library does not take responsibility for any fees incurred during self-service hours. This may be due to a defective health card, for example.
If you haven't borrowed materials from the library in 2 years, you will be automatically removed from the borrower register. If you wish to borrow again, you'll need to register anew.
Currently, it's only possible to register as an adult user online using MitID.
As a parent or guardian, you can apply digitally for the registration of children and young people under 18, or you can fill out an enrollment form and submit it to the library during staffed hours.

Library card:

Once you're registered as a user, you can use your health card or your digital borrower's card in the "Library" app when borrowing books. This makes it easy to use the self-service machines, where instead of entering login details, you can scan your physical or digital card. Therefore, we do not issue physical borrower's cards to adults.

Learn more about the "Library" app and how to use your digital borrower's card.

How to:

  1. Click on "Create user" and select "Register as an adult user".
  2. Log in with MitID.
  3. Fill in your patron information and choose which library you want to pick up your loan holds at under "Select pickup location".
  4. Choose and enter a 4-digit PIN code.
  5. Click on "Register".
  6. You are now registered as a patron at Copenhagen Libraries, and you can log in with your CPR number and the PIN code you have chosen.