Regulations and Code of Conduct

Read more about the libraries' regulations and house rules here.

Copenhagen Libraries is a municipal institution, and the general use of the library is free. In order for as many people as possible to benefit from the library's services, we have established some rules for using the library. As a user, you are obliged to familiarize yourself with and comply with these rules.

The lending rules were adopted by the Culture and Leisure Committee most recently in accordance with the decision on March 30, 2006. Administratively updated for enforcement April 2024.

Use of the library

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  • Everyone can use the library's general services for free. 
  • The library may charge for printing and photocopying as well as for other special services requested by the user. 
  • The library's general rules of conduct and the staff's recommendations must be followed. See the rules of conduct at The staff is authorized to expel a user if the rules of conduct are not complied with.

How to become a patron

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  • To be registered as a borrower, one must have a Danish CPR number. 
  • One can register as a borrower with MitID at if one is 18 years or older. 
  • It is also possible to register in person at the library by presenting a health insurance card supplemented with another form of identification, preferably photo ID. 
  • For children and young people under 18 years, it is required that one of the parents or guardians guarantees for any debts to the library. The child can be registered digitally via MitID at 
  • For companies and institutions – see here. Notifications from the library are sent electronically as far as possible, if an email and/or Danish mobile number has been provided. It is the individual's responsibility to ensure that the email address and/or mobile number is correct at all times. 
  • Changes can be made at

Special conditions during the self-service opening hours

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  • Access is available to everyone with a health insurance card. 
  • Scan your health insurance card or app at the card reader at the entrance to get in. 
  • The library must be vacated following a loudspeaker announcement about closing time. 
  • On public holidays and special occasions, access may be limited or closed. This will be indicated on the website and in notices.
  • There is video surveillance at our libraries to create a safe environment and prevent crime in accordance with the law on TV surveillance.

How to borrow

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  • To borrow, one must be registered as a borrower and use their health insurance card or the borrower's card in the 'Biblioteket' app, along with a personally chosen PIN. 
  • The 'Biblioteket' app can be downloaded to a smartphone. Here, one can search for and order materials, as well as retrieve the barcode for their borrower's card. 
  • Children and young people under 18 years can choose to use their health insurance card or obtain a borrower's card. 
  • Parents can borrow for their child using the child's borrower's card or by using the child's CPR number and PIN. 
  • The health insurance card and borrower's card are personal and must not be used by anyone other than oneself. One is responsible for all materials borrowed. 
  • If the health insurance card/borrower's card is lost, one is obliged to immediately report it to Copenhagen Libraries / tel. 3366 3000, which will block the card. Until this is done, one can be held responsible for any potential misuse.

About loans

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  • All loans must be registered. 
  • All loans are recorded under the CPR/patron's card number. 
  • The information is deleted when the materials are returned. However, the library has the ability to see who has borrowed a given material for up to 4 weeks after its return. 
  • The patron register is in accordance with the Personal Data Act. 
  • The library's materials are secured against theft.

Loan periods and returns

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  • The loan period is normally 28 days. 
  • For particularly in-demand materials, the library may set a shorter loan period and limit the number of items that can be borrowed. 
  • The final deadline for return is stated on the loan receipt. 
  • The library sends a reminder electronically 3 days before the end of the loan period. The return receipt is proof that the borrowed materials have been returned. 
  • Check upon return that all materials are correctly registered and listed on the receipt. 
  • Materials borrowed from one of Copenhagen's Libraries but returned at a library in another municipality will only be registered as returned on the date Copenhagen's Libraries receive the material. If this date is after the return deadline, a fee must be paid.


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  • If the material is not reserved by others, loans can, as a general rule, be renewed. 
  • Renewals can be done through the 'Biblioteket' app, on, by phone at 3366 3000, or at the library. 
  • Renewals can be made at the earliest 7 days before the return deadline. 
  • A maximum of two renewals are allowed. 
  • For renewals by phone and renewals through or the 'Biblioteket' app, a receipt will not be issued, and the library system's registration will apply.

Loan holds

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  • Materials that are on loan can be reserved at the library, through, via the 'Biblioteket' app, or by phone at 3366 3000. 
  • The reservation is recorded under the CPR number or borrower's card number. 
  • A notification is sent via SMS or email when the material is ready for pickup, provided an email address or Danish mobile number has been provided.

Interlibrary loans

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  • An interlibrary loan is a material obtained from a library that is not part of Copenhagen's Libraries. 
  • Renewal of interlibrary loans is possible if the owning library allows it, but only for a maximum of 2 additional loan periods, and only if the renewal is done on time. 
  • Renewal is subject to conditions. The owning library may choose to recall the material if it is reserved by another borrower, thereby shortening the loan period. 
  • An interlibrary loan borrowed from one of Copenhagen's Libraries must also be returned to one of Copenhagen's Libraries. If it is returned to a library in another municipality, it will only be registered as returned on the date Copenhagen's Libraries receive confirmation from the lending library, which does not happen automatically. If this date is after the due date, a fee must be charged.

Late returns

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If the loan period is exceeded, a fee must be paid according to the current rate, even if one has not received a reminder or a recall notice. School students, where the school and library share the same address, do not pay fees, but are liable for compensation. The library does not assume responsibility for any fees incurred during self-service opening hours, for example, due to lack of access because of a defective health insurance card. The fee rates are set by the Citizens' Representation of the Municipality of Copenhagen.

  • The rates are calculated based on the loan and return date, regardless of whether one or more materials are borrowed.
  • Materials with the same loan and return date that are returned or renewed late on different dates will incur a fee each time.
  • The fee rates are listed in the overview of the library's rates at Unpaid fees can be recovered by withholding from wages, etc., according to the rules in the applicable legislation.


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  • If the library's materials are damaged, lost, or not returned, they must be replaced according to the current rates. 
  • If the borrowed item is not returned 31 days after the loan period has expired, it is considered lost, and a replacement fee is charged. 
  • In addition to the replacement amount, fees for exceeding the loan period and costs are payable. 
  • If part of a multi-volume work or composite material is lost and can only be reacquired as a whole, the library may require the entire work or composite material to be replaced. 
  • Bills for replacement amounts and/or fees that are not paid will be transferred to the Debt Collection Agency. 
  • The costs incurred are paid by the borrower. Replacement prices and costs associated with the library's recall can be found in the overview of the library's rates at 
  • Replacement amounts are non-refundable. 
  • A replacement copy for lost/damaged material cannot be submitted.


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  • Patrons who repeatedly fail to return borrowed materials, or return borrowed materials in damaged condition, can be excluded from borrowing. 
  • The exclusion can be maintained until the material is returned or replaced. 
  • Patrons who owe the library DKK 200 or more in fees can be excluded from borrowing until the entire debt is paid. 
  • Exclusion of patrons is done with 7 days' written notice.


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The Copenhagen Libraries assume no responsibility if borrowed materials damage the patron's playback equipment.

Personal data

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For the protection of personal data, the library may not disclose to unauthorized parties any information about an individual's loans, fees, replacement cases, reservations, etc. General information about personal data – GDPR. See

Read more about how Copenhagen Libraries handle personal data.

Closed days

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The library's closed days can be seen at

See the library's closed days.

Code of conduct

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To ensure everyone can have a safe and enjoyable stay, please always follow the staff's instructions and respect our house rules.

Thank you for using the cultural and recreational locations of the City of Copenhagen. To ensure that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable stay, you are kindly asked to always follow the staff's instructions and respect the following house rules:

  • Presence or staying at the location is allowed when it is used according to its purpose.
  • Be considerate of others at the location and do not exhibit behavior that creates insecurity or could be annoying to others.
  • Use of and movement within the location is at your own risk.
  • The City of Copenhagen is not responsible for lost or left behind belongings.
  • Keep the place neat and clean. Clean up after yourself and use the trash bins.
  • All indoor areas are smoke-free (including e-cigarettes or similar).
  • Being under the influence of or consuming intoxicants is not allowed.
  • Alcohol consumption is only allowed in specially approved areas.
  • Sleeping at the location is not allowed.
  • Pets are not allowed, except for service dogs.
  • The police may be called to ensure public order and protect individual and public safety.
  • Vandalism, theft, and other criminal acts will always be reported to the police. The report will be made by the management of the location.
  • The staff interprets the house rules and is authorized to expel and/or quarantine a user when the house rules are not complied with.
  • Additional house rules will be indicated by signs at the location.
  • Deviations from the house rules require a written agreement with the staff and must be presentable (e.g., for rentals, special events, and similar).