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Loan periods and return dates

Here you can read about The Copenhagen Library guidelines for loan periods and return dates.

General information

The loan period is usually 28 days. For some materials, the library may set shorter loan periods.
The date of return can be found on the receipt for the loan. When you return your loan the receipt is your documentation for the loan being returned to the library.

You can return borrowed materials anywhere in Copenhagen Libraries, regardless of where you borrowed them.

When your return loans at the library, please check that all loans are registered correctly.

The library will send you a notification 3 days before the end of the loan period if you are registered for our free text and/or email service. However, it is always your own responsibility to make sure you return your loans before the return date expires.

Return loans borrowed in another municipality

It is possible to hand in loans from other municipalities to The Copenhagen Libraries.

However, you must be aware that the loans will not be registered until they have been returned to the original library where the material was loaned. By handing in loans from other municipalities to The Copenhagen Libraries, you risk getting a fee for late return of the loan from the library where the loan was registered.

If you choose to return loans to The Copenhagen Libraries, you may do so during the serviced opening hours at one of our libraries.