Non-fiction Literature at the Library

Find non-fiction literature and do subject searches at

In libraries, non-fiction literature is classified according to the DK5 system. This system is used in all public libraries in Denmark and is used in both children's, adult, and music libraries. DK5 is also sometimes called a shelving signature or a class mark.

The whole numbers in DK5 indicate a general subject, for example, 40, which is geography and travel. Then decimals are used to describe subordinate subjects, for example, 44.4, which is travel guides to Berlin.

Filtering by subject:

  • You can filter your search by the DK5 shelving signature.
  • Once you've conducted your search, select the DK5 number that corresponds to your subject in the menu on the left.

Searching by DK5 number:

  • You can search directly for a DK5 number using the search code, for example, cl=77.7.
  • You can also search for two or more DK5 numbers by placing AND between them, for example, cl=77.7 AND cl=78.81.