Loan Renewal

General information and guide on how to renew borrowed materials on the Copenhagen Libraries website.

Renew loans online

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You only have the option to renew a loan twice. If you need another loan period, you will need to return the material to your local library, after which you can borrow it again.

If the loan period for the materials you have borrowed is exceeded, you will be charged a fee. When renewing your books, there is always a risk that not everything can be renewed. If loans are exceeded, you will receive a fee on the renewal day and one or more fees when you return the loan that could not be renewed unless you return the books that cannot be renewed on the same day as you renew - and they have the same return date as the one that has been renewed.

Remember that you can also use our app "Biblioteket" to renew your loans on the go.

Here's how:

  1. Log in to to view your patron status.
  2. Click on the "Loans" tab. This will take you to an overview of what you have borrowed from the library. At the top, you will see any loans that have exceeded the latest return date, followed by the rest of your loans.
  3. Select the loan you wish to renew.
  4. Choose "Renew all" or "Renew selected".

Guidelines for renewal

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  • You can renew your loan earliest 7 days before the due date. 
  • You can renew a loan a maximum of two times the normal loan period for the material. 
  • You cannot renew exhibition books. 
  • You can renew your loans at all Copenhagen Libraries - not just where the material is borrowed. 
  • When you renew via Biblioteket Online, the "Biblioteket" app, or, you will not receive a receipt. 
  • You can always view your status on the website and in the "Biblioteket" app.

If the loan cannot be renewed

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If you cannot renew a material, you will see a banner titled "Material cannot be renewed." This usually means that there are other users in line, or that you have already renewed your material twice.

If the loan period for the materials you have borrowed is exceeded, you will be charged a fee. When renewing your books, there is always a risk that not everything can be renewed. If loans are exceeded, you will receive one fee on the renewal day and one or more fees when you return the loan that could not be renewed unless you return the books that cannot be renewed on the same day as you renew - and they have the same return date as the one that has been renewed.

Special terms for interlibrary loans

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The library that owns the material may choose to recall it if it has been reserved by another borrower. If this occurs, you will receive an email with a new return date. For an interlibrary loan borrowed from one of Copenhagen's Libraries, you must always return it to one of Copenhagen's own libraries.