Pause Your Loan Holds

Learn how to pause your loan holds for a self-selected period.

You can pause your loan holds for a period, so you don't have to pick up reserved materials if you're away or unable to collect them. When your loan holds are paused, you won't lose your place in the queue.

Tip: Note that if your loan holds are already on their way before your pause begins, they cannot be stopped from arriving. To avoid this, you should fill out the period 10 days before your absence begins.

For example, if your vacation starts on July 12, your absence period should be filled out to start on July 2.

If a loan hold becomes ready for pickup while you're away, unfortunately, there's nothing else to do but to place a loan hold on the material again.

Here's how:

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to "My Account".
  3. Select "User Profile".
  4. Find the box "Pause reservations".
  5. Choose a start and end date in the two date boxes for the desired pause and finish by selecting "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Special note about interlibrary loans: You cannot pause interlibrary loans during your vacation, so you may need to reorder materials after your vacation.